Frosty the Avocado Snowman

Approx 10 minutes Approx 10


  • Flesh of 4 (ripe) avocados
  • Juice of 2 limes
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 300 ml double cream


  • Place the avocado and lime juice in a blender / food processor and whizz up until it’s a smooth puree.
  • Put the avocado-lime mix in a food processor with a whisk attachment (or use a handheld whisk) and add the double cream and sugar. Whisk for about 3 minutes.
  • Place in a freezable container for 3-4 hrs. (Any longer and it’s a bit hard to scoop out. This isn’t in itself a detriment to the recipe – just remember to let it thaw slightly before serving for a creamier ‘soft scoop’ effect).